Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm a bar hopper.

Ok, not really, but I did go to the bar last night. My third time being in a bar ever. Lauren, Brandon, Josh, Amanda DJ and I went to the lovely Route 8 establishment, Casey's.

And lucky us, it was Karaoke Night. Yay! So, Lauren, Josh and I decided to sing The Joker by the Steve Miller Band. And then later that night, when Josh was relatively completely gone, he sang Bohemian Rhapsody. And being the little videographer some people seem to think I am, I captured the moment. It started out decent...

And then some random guy and lauren joined josh and things just went south.

Around 1 a.m., there were maybe 10 people left in the whole place, 5 of which were us. There was this one couple that wouldn't stop doing Karaoke and the girl was so gone that when she'd hit those high notes, I think my ear drums broke. Then between songs, she'd dance, the most drunken dance I could imagine. She was attempting to grind on her boyfriend, but it didn't work out as well as I'm thinking she planned it to.

Tonight, I shall be enjoying the bar scene again. Except this time, I'm going to Sing, Sing at the Waterfront for Lauren's birthday with a bunch of her female family members. My mom may join also. It should be fun! I will be sure to write something about it.

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