Sunday, January 11, 2009

back home

So, I'm back at SRU now. And was greeted by a lovely blizzard. Its nice to be back and I'm really thinking this is going to be a good semester for me for many reasons.

1.) Mainly, because there's no longer any Rocket in my life. That newspaper sucked the life right out of me. I'll no longer have to work with a certain anonymous person who went on power trips, didn't know how to work with people, and loved to leave me out of the loop on just about everything. But, lucky for me, this just means I can move on to bigger and better things.

2.) I have my internship with and I can write on my own time, about whatever I want basically.

3.) I have a boyfriend. And he is amazing. And he's not just my boyfriend, he's my best friend. I never realized that such a thing existed in the world. Our relationship is above and beyond anything I could have hoped to be apart of.

4.) It's the end of my junior year. That means I'm getting so close to being done with school. I'd love to even graduate in the fall, but I don't know if that's in the cards for me or not. It feels good to know you are almost done. I love school. I love my friends. I love college life in general. But, I'm also ready to move on with my life. College is this awkward in between stage. It's such a minor part of your whole life experience, I'm kind of ready to just get out there and see what's next.

If only I could have shown myself a year ago that everything was going to be okay. It would have saved me a lot. But everything happens for a reason. Maybe I was so upset and depressed last spring so that I could really enjoy and appreciate the things that were to come into my life.

However, I do have an 8 a.m. tomorrow. ugh... Maybe this semester won't be so awesome after all. haha.

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