Monday, December 29, 2008

Semi Annual

Thats right ladies and gentlemen. And I guess you can only assume I'd work the first day of the sale, for 6.5 hours, during the busiest part of the day. I was talking to Emily too much during my shift. Our sales lead separated us in the store. So after Emily was somewhere else, work was even more boring. The first couple hours were dead, then all of a sudden, it was a mad house. The lines stretched to eternity.

The sale was kind of weak, to be honest. There wasn't nearly as much stuff on sale as we usually have. On my 15 minute break, I bought a bagel and cream cheese from the coffee shop outside Nordstrom. Then after I ate it, I went and sat on a bench outside of Express and watched two repairmen attempt to fix the store's gate because it was closed and stuck. The old lady working the kiddy train ride small talked with me about how retail is awful and how she likes to work with kids. And she also made fun of the repairmen, because they were idiots.

And that is all i have to say about work.

Tonight I may or may not be going out with some friends. It all depends on if Lauren calls me. We'll see.
Tomorrow Ray Miles will be in the Greater Pittsburgh area until Friday. It will be amazing.

Other than that, my life hasn't been very eventful since my last post.
So we'll just keep this one short and sweet.

Until next time my faithful readers.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Let's go to the bar!

So, I had a rather eventful day yesterday. Surprise, surprise.

I woke up and showered. Then I washed my car in shorts and flip flops. It was amazing.

Then, I went to Kohl's because my gram bought me a Kohl's giftcard for Christmas. Such a grandma thing to do. lol
I bought some things that the apartment was in need of.

Then I came back to some dinner that my dad made. Chicken and shrimp pieta? I think thats what he told me it was. It was good, just a little too spicy for me.

Then some of my dad's family came over. And surprisingly, my cousins danielle and dina also showed up. Danielle's on-again, off-again boyfriend was with her too. They stayed for maybe a little over an hour and left.

The highlight of my day, however, was going to the bar. Of all the bars in the area, my friends decided to go to this place called Fody's. The average age of anyone in that bar was maybe 45.

It was kind of funny in a way though, because this bar was right in the neighborhood I used to hang out in throughout high school. It was funny thinking how I used to be right across the street swimming, hanging out behind the A Plus, or whatever we would do.

We also met some interesting characters. Three in particular. Willy (who claims to be as good as Willy Nelson on guitar), Shaggy (who said we could kill people) and Bugsy (who literally could kill people because he was a boxer).

So, obv. those pictures, in order, are our lovely friends in all their drunken glory.

Willy wanted to "jam" with Josh. Apparently, at this bar, they let ppl come in and play music and Willy is a regular. Josh said he went to the bathroom and Willy was in the urinal next to him telling him how he wanted to jam, right here, right now.

Next, there was Shaggy. Immediately he took a liking to us because he told us we were his road dogs for life and if we ever need him, he'll be there. As he says this, his arm is creepily on my shoulder. He told me I was his little rock and roll girl.
Needless to say I was flattered and tempted to run away with him. He had "Etna" tattooed on his stomach. And I wish I was lying about that. For those who are unaware, Etna is a town in Shaler along the river. It' not the nicest part of Shaler. We'll just say that. lol

Lastly, was Bugsy. Obv. Rocco was the most fascinated with Bugsy. They both like getting in fights. It was a friendship made in heaven. Just so you know, Rocco is missing a piece of his ear from a fight he got in. No lie. I wish it was a lie, honestly. lol Bugsy gave Rocco fighting lessons right in the bar.

After all three encounters, my male friends urged me to never go to a bar alone. lol.

I have this video, but i'm not sure if it will work. If it does work, I'm sorry it's upside down lol

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Oh I guess I'll talk about work some more

Dear blog,
My lack of non-family related human contact continues. Each day I feel more and more like a loser. But all is well, I know once I'm back at SRU I will be on an overload of contact with college-age drama and rediculousness. When that time comes I'll wish I was back here again lol

So yesterday at work I was greeted first by traffic, then by cars creating their own parking spaces (yet somehow I pulled off the best parking space ever), and then by what I can only assume was millions of people in the mall. And I had a headache. It was looking to be such a great shift already.

Then I enter the store to see that an apparent pink panty tornado had struck the panty bar. I prayed to god that I wasn't zoned in pink.

But, once I was on the floor and asked Lauren where to go, of course she said pink.

I mostly walked around pretending to work. Not talking to anyone unless they asked me for help, pretending to help people when lauren walked in the room, and fixing the panty bar, one agonizing tray at a time.

I alwayys love when people see you fixing the panties, and then they come up to them and mess them up again right in front of you. It gets me everytime.

One thing I love about victoria's secret shoppers, is they think our bras have a lifetime warranty for some reason. This is probably the one thing that puzzles me the most.

I would never dream of bringing any article of clothing that I've worn and washed several times back to the store because there was a hole in it.

But all the time, women come in with worn and tattered bras that look like they've been through a shredder, expecting us to take them and give them a brand new bra in exchange. Where is the logic in that?

Oh well, I've officially decided this is the last time I'm working there. I know I've said that before, but I really mean it this time. And besides, during the summer I don't plan on being in pgh, so I will need to work somewhere else anyway.

Thanks for stopping by.
Hopefully one of these days there will be something more eventful going in my life than work. Ah, I could only hope.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Miss you Luke

So, although it is Christmas, and today is supposed to be fun, happy and full of family, I can't help but be a little sad on this day.

Last year, on Christmas, my family's dog, Luke died from an undiscovered cancer that destroyed his heart. Coming home to find him dead in our dining room was without a doubt, the most traumatic thing I've ever been through and never, ever do I want to see my mother go through something like that again. Or my whole family for that matter.

My mom didn't eat or do anything for nearly two weeks. The day after Christmas I stayed in bed all day because I didn't want to go downstairs to see he wasn't there.

And even months after that, there'd be those moments where you'd forget for a mili-second that he died. When I'd have nothing but pizza crust and look for him to feed him it. When I'd walk downstairs in the night to get a drink and look for him so I wouldn't step on him. Or when I'd walk in the door from being out, waiting for him to run up and greet me.

Anyone who knew my dog, knew he wasn't just a pet, he was my little brother. And he was the kindest, sweetest dog you could ever imagine. And although he died much too soon, I can say, without a doubt in my mind, he lived a good life.

So, this post is for my snuggle buddy, my lukey-bukey. I miss you!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I never know what to title these things

Okay, I'm pissed because I wrote a post and when I clicked to publish it, an error came up.


I will summarize what I wrote.
1.) I went to the mall and lunch at Chili's with Lizzy.
2.) Matt, Paul and DJ work at Chili's and thats so something they'd do.
3.) I'm going to my aunt's tomorrow for Christmas Eve and there will be a lot of traffic because its by Hartwood Acres light display.
4.) Christmas Day= dinner at my house with my aunt elaine, uncle mark, and cousins christina and matt. That is a usual family gathering compared to my boyfriend's 40 people.
5.) In the evening I'm going to a movie with Lauren, Brandon and other unknown ppl.
6.) I work Friday and Saturday.

The End.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Mucho Aburrido!@#$%^

Okay, so I'm really really bored at home. Maybe you could tell from my plethora of blog posts in the month of December.

I just don't have a lot of friends from high school. I have Lauren. Thats pretty much it. I mean I talked to and hung out with other people, but Lauren is the only one I have kept contact with and has been worth keeping contact with. So the only time I really do anything is when Lauren is free, because we usually hang out with Brandon, who is her boyfriend, and whoever else is free. The people I hang out with when with them are my friends too, but not people I'd hang out with without Lauren. And they only call brandon really when stuff is going on, so that's the only way Lauren and I know when there's something to do.

Watev. I'm not planning on being in Shaler over the summer, so I just need to get through these next couple weeks.

PS- I got an internship with College Prowler as a blogger on College Jolt. Yay! I start in January with the new semester! I'm very excited. It should be a lot of fun and a good experience since the internet and blogging is becoming such a major part of the media world.

My favorite Things

In No Particular Order...
1.) My cousin Samantha

2.) My sisters from another mister
3.) My boyfriend

4.) My puppy

5.) My el gato


7.) White Water Rafting
8.) My kitty umbrella (missing since 2007 :( )

9.) Naps
10.) Pgh at night
11.) My bff
12.) Lizzy squared

Saturday, December 20, 2008

For Ray

I really really do! But I will see you soon! Just a week more!

great grammy

My great gram died this morning. She had been in the hospital for a few days. My mom said she was just too old and her body was shutting down.

She was probably the sweetest old lady I've ever met. She never complained about anything. I just tell myself her dying is for the best. She didn't really like the nursing home she was living at and once you get to a certain age, living is just too hard.


I find out what my gyno wants to do about my cysts on Monday. My mom called and bugged them on Friday and the nurse said my gyno got my ultrasound results and I can call him on Monday. I need to talk to him about my fertility. Because that's my biggest concern. I guess we'll see!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Um so I didn't say I didn't want to work at all...

So, considering it is the holiday season, the retail industry should be booming and have plenty of hours for their underpaid workers, but somehow, that assumption is wrong.

Granted I DID request off Sunday and Monday...and Tuesday morning to visit Ray, but that still leaves 4 days of availability during the week of Christmas, days before our biggest sale of the year, the Semi Annual...Um, so why am I not on the schedule Friday or Saturday? The busiest days during any week of the year let alone christmas week!? And why did they schedule me on Tuesday 11am-3pm when they approved my request off to only be available that day after 5. Hm, it's beyond me. So I only work Christmas Eve next week apparently. Whatev. I think I get time and a half. I better.

Maybe this happened for the same reason 3 different managers called me 5 times asking me when my seasonal start date was? Or maybe it's for the same reason I was rehired at $7.50/hr when I was getting paid $8 for the past two years?

I'm sure there's a logical explanation deep, deep down in the depths of somewhere. Maybe when I find the answer it will also help explain why we sell crotchless panties and refer to them as peek-a-boo panties...So inappropriate lol So much for VS trying to keep away from being too sexy...or trashy? It's all a matter of personal preference I suppose. lol Click Here

Positive Patty

I have a lot to complain about right now, but I'm not going to do it.

On that note, work went well today.

Last night I went over Josh's with Lauren. There were maybe 5 of us there. We played cards and such. I only stayed for about two hours since I had to get my ultrasound done in the morning.

Days until I am in New York:

Three days please go fast. I need to be here.

And PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't let it be snowy. I know that's a lot to ask when you are traveling near a zillion giant lakes, but come on. PLEASE.

I miss my boy dearly. I can't wait to see him again. It's funny how you never realize how much you really depend on someone until they aren't there anymore. I feel so lost without him. :( When we are apart, I spend my time just looking forward until I'm with him again. And look how cute he is. Come on. Do I even have a choice not to miss him? Seriously.

More than anything, I'm just appreciating the fact that I'm at a point in my life where I can truly appreciate someone and have a mature relationship. And I can be with someone who isn't asshole. That's always nice, too. It's weird getting treated the way you are supposed to be treated in a relationship. I didn't know what I was missing.


So far this break has been pretty dull. I know it hasn't even been a week yet, but you can just tell this kinds of things. There's a goodwill themed party at Marlene's next friday. I hope I can go. As long as I don't have to work I'll be able to make it.

This is all I have to say for now. Sorry this post was so mushy and dull. Bad combo.
I will try to come up with something fascinating next time.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Got my gradez bia, bia

I received three A's and two B's. I'll take it. I showed my mother, and her reaction?
"B's? What do you have B's in? I want to see A's!"
My brother barely got a 3.0 this grading period. He had two C's on his report card, but somehow, I'm the one whose grades disappoint the most. Go figure. The Dean's List just doesn't make parents happy like it used to.

10 reasons

10 reasons I hate working at victoria's secret
1.) Credit Cards--I don't want to ask people to open them and people don't want to open them.

2.) Boyfriends, husbands, etc. Guys never know what size their lady friend is. This usually ends awkwardly with the male examining my breast size and saying "about your size" or some other comparison.

3.) Coupon ladies- When the coupon says "until supplies last" it means "until supplies last." So the answer to your question is yes, I know the coupon is still good for three more days, but we ran out three weeks ago.

4.) Crazy middle aged women- I'm sorry we are out of the bra in the size and color you want. I know you drove an hour just for this. No we can't ship it to you when it comes in and no we can't call you. call us in a few days. k. thx. bye.

5.) Teenage girls- who are you kidding? Mom only gave you $10 to go to the mall tonight. You can't afford anything here. Please step away from the panty table.

6.) Thongs- Why is it, no matter how many times i bunch, fold and tuck you little buggers, you are back to a mess in a matter of 3.5 seconds?

7.) When I politely ask you to please shop from the drawers below, i mean it. SHOP FROM THE DRAWERS BELOW. Why? Because I don't feel like having nightmares about panties tonight. See Below.

8.) Stop yelling into the headset. Not only can I hear you, but the customers within a 20 foot radius of me can hear you too.

9.) If you want me to tell you if a bra fits you okay, please make sure the bra is actually on you before you let me in the fitting room.

10.) Stop making me reach up the back of your shirt to tell you your bra size. Its just awkward.

Oh the joys of working with underwear.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter break

So, I slept in until noon. I'm not really sure why or how I did that, but watev. I must've needed it. I usually always sleep in during breaks, but never usually until noon. 10ish is my usual wake-up time if i don't have anything to do early in the day.

Today I start work again. At the ever so lovely, victoria's secret. It wouldn't be so awful if it were the summer, but it's the holiday and people are crazy, panties are a mess, and go-backs are overflowing. Yuck. My boyfriend always tells me I shouldn't be working in retail, and he is right. In the words of Ronnie Rekowski... It sucks.

Speaking of my boyfriend. I miss him dearly. I'm driving up to see him this weekend and I can't wait. It's hard going from seeing someone every single day and then not see them at all. I'm so glad we hopefully won't have to do this again in the summer.

Being away from him just hurts too much :(

Read my cutie's blog here>> Ray Miles<3

Monday, December 15, 2008

sex is art? whuttt??

According to my favorite website to steal images from, it is.

I don't remember what I searched under creative images, but I swear it wasn't inappropriate and I got this. Um... so my conclusion... sex is artsy. Kinda?

And no Ray, that doesn't mean I don't mind you watching porn now. haha.

oh ovaries.

When I am experiencing negative emotions, I like to vent. However, venting vocally, just doesn't always work out the way I want it. That's why, a lot of the time, I'll write. With writing, you can think out what exactly it is you are trying to express.

Or maybe it's just because I'm a writing major. eh. either way. This is going to be a long one.

So, as it seems, my ovaries hate me. I was diagnosed with bilateral mucinous cystadenoma when I was 16 years old. Which is a fancy word for a type of tumor that developed on both of my ovaries. Not to mention, i have an extremely rare case. See excerpt from surgeon's journal below:

"Bilateral mucinous cystadenoma of the ovary are extremely rare. They are among the largest tumors known. These mostly benign tumors usually manifest between the third and sixth decade of life. Mucinous cystadenomas account for 15% of all ovarian neoplasms and are found bilateral in only 2-3% of cases."

So, basically, I'm a freak of nature.

I thought everything was under control and I've been tumor-free for the past 4 years or so, but after going to the gynecologist today, it was discovered that there was something on my left ovary.

He was doing his usual, uncomfortable, awkward routine exam, and then i notice him checking my left side a lot and feeling around and making this "hmm..."-like face. And then I noticed it hurt when he'd be fiddling around on my left side and when he'd go to the right, I felt nothing. I immediately got nervous and blurted out "Did you find something?!" And indeed he did. He said it could be an adhesion, from all the surgeries I've had previously, a functional cyst that will go away on its own, or it could be another mucinous cystadenoma.

Adhesion. Not likely. I've been examined before and adhesions are scar tissue, so that sort of thing would have been found awhile ago. Functional cyst? Maybe. But, lets be honest, my ovaries don't seem to like to be normal, and I already had a tumor re-develop once, why not again?

So, I'm waiting to go to an ultrasound appointment 7:45 a.m. on Thursday. I hate ultrasounds. I hate drinking all that water and feeling like my bladder is going to explode and having a technician take her good old time pushing on my already full bladder. Agh.

Its just like a re-occurring nightmare. When i first had my tumors discovered, it was the scariest time in my life.

Imagine going to a doctor because your stomach sticks out a little, her telling you that you're spleen is probably just enlarged and you're fine and then going to an ultrasound and having a technician tell you she can't see any of your organs because there's a giant mass inside of you. Then getting told to go to the hospital immediately, get tons of tests and needles stuck into you. Then find out your doctor thinks your case is so bad he wants to operate on you TOMORROW and have you stay the night. Oh, and have a severe cold, but they want to operate anyway, meanwhile the boy you met in the waiting room can't have surgery because he has a rash, a RASH. Oh and don't forget, it just might be cancer too.

Needless to say, i was freaking out.

But it doesn't even stop there. So, i'm in surgery, and this is my first surgery ever. They wheel me into the operating room, make me slide myself onto the cold steel operating table and finally, put me under. I wake up to hear mumblings of "two cysts" and when i finally gain enough consciousness, i plead with my mom to tell me what's going on and surprise I have one ovary, another cyst inside me and need to have surgery again in 6 weeks.

Then i get sick because I'm allergic to morphine and throw up. I don't suggest throwing up with a foot long incision on your stomach to anyone. Having to use stomach muscles that are held together with stitches isn't pleasant.

The only perk? I didn't have to take gym class the rest of the year. Yay.

And then a year after the second surgery is done and I am cyst-free, another one grows on my only ovary. I have one ovary and a cyst grows on it. All i could think about was if I'd ever be able to have kids. I needed that ovary. So, I have surgery again and they take it out and discover my other ovary regenerated itself, so I had two again. Maybe not two complete ovaries, but they were ovaries. Thank. God.

So, every time I go to the gyno all I think about is what I went through and how I just don't want to worry about my ovaries anymore. If I have another tumor, this will be surgery #4 and thats 4 surgeries too many. I want to be healthy and i want to make little babies someday. Not right now of course, but I want to be pregnant someday. Its honestly something I want more than being successful at my job, having money, or anything else. And I think the fact that my ovaries have been through so much, makes me want it even more. My biggest fear is that will be taken away from me. And if it is, I don't know what I'd do. :(

Saturday, November 15, 2008


OK, so. blog. Whats up. Um... Ray always comments on how I never update. So here I am. I'm updating.

Ray, I love you.

The End. :)

Monday, September 29, 2008

i hate the rocket

So, I decided to write in my blog.

I know its been awhile, but I'm not used to this whole blogging idea. I used to have an online diary when I was younger. I wrote in it 2002-2004 and wrote somewhere around 500 entries in it. Having something like that is kind of nice. I get to read things I wrote when I was younger and I read about things I probably would've forgotten all about if I hadn't documented it in that way.

Anyway, I'm at The Rocket right now. My favorite place in the world. I wish sarcasm could be transmitted through text.

I'm waiting for the weekly meeting to start and i get to hear Brandon point out all the things wrong with the paper, or at least just wrong with my section since he hates me more than anything. OK, so maybe he doesn't just pick on my section, but sometimes it seems that way.

This just happened
Rizzo: its 2 are we going to get started?
Brandon: I have 1:56. We work on my time.

Really? Comments like that make me hate my life.

I'm so glad that there's such a thing as fall break. Next week there's no Rocket issue. Its going to be the best week of my life. I can't wait to get away from all of this bullshit for a week and have a real life.

After that, we only have two issues and then we have another week off to go to Kansas City. I don't even want to go. Brandon Fox, Liz Glazier, Josh Rizzo, Dr. Harry, Dr. Zeltner and I. What a fun trip this will be. yippee. And its over Halloween. I love halloween, its my favorite holiday and I'm going to miss it!!! I'm so mad and to make it worse, Halloween is on a Friday. gah.

I told samm we have to have a halloween party at our apartment before I leave so I don't miss out on the holiday entirely.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


blah i had something written in here but i changed my mind.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Julie, Andrea & Penguins!

Ok so Im getting very anxious now about going to north carolina to see Julie and Andrea. Its been two years since I've seen them. I grew up with these girls. I've been friends with julie since I was 6 years old and I remember the day andrea was born. We grew up together and the day they moved was one of the saddest days of my life. I really feel like they had a huge impact on the person I am today. Ahhhh I just want to go right now!

In other news, I don't think i ever wrote in here that I have mono, but well yeah I do. But anway, I don't feel sick at all. I'm a little stuffy sometimes, but nothing that i usually don't have because of allergies or something like that. I am a little more tired than usual too, but even that isn't that bad.

Oh and how bout dem pens?!?! Haha. I'm sooo excited that they've made it this far. They're really fighting with all they have. Theyre at the end of the rope and don't have any room to mess up. It has me on the edge of my seat. I'm so nervous for them. If they don't win, I'll be so heartbroken. They honestly deserve to win, especially after Monday night's game. They didn't give up and Fleury, dear lord Fleury, the goalie gods were on his side that night. Thats my boy. Some of the saves he made, made my heart skip a beat.

And then on top of that, Ryan Malone got a puck to the face and then no more than 10 minutes later he's back on the ice, crooked, bloody nose and all. Now if they isn't determination, I don't know what is. Then we lost Sergei Gonchar too. I mean they had a lot of obstacles to overcome, and thats not even looking at the fact that the Red Wings only had to win one more game to have the cup.

A minute left in the game, they show a guy taking out the cup and cleaning it, basically saying the game is over and the Red Wings are locked in, but noooo that boy should of put that cup back in the box, because the Pens weren't going to give the Red Wings the win that easily. ahhhh. Penguins I love you, every little Penguin bone in your bodies. Game 6 tonight and I will either be downtown at the mellon arena or watching it here at the house. Either way, there's no way I'm not watching this game.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the spill canvas

Ok. I'm officially extremely upset. The Spill Canvas will be at Mr. Smalls in Millvale tonight, seriously 5 minutes from my house and i have no one to go with me.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. Im very tempted to just go by myself even if it makes me look like a huge loser.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

come home!!!!

I just wanted to say I miss my boyfriend. :(

The End.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Hey yo.

So, as of May 28, I am no longer a member of the single world. What are my feeling on this? Well, considering my extremely pessimistic thoughts on relationships and boys all throughout the spring semester, i see this as huge, major breakthrough. One I am very happy and excited for. The only downside is the seperation issue that will be going on throughout the summer. I'll see him at the end of June when he comes home from an internship, and then most likely July 17th (i think?) when Lizzy and I and some other people go up to Canada. But any other times I see him are up in the air as of now. I'll probably see him atleast once when I go with Lizzy to Derek's lake house in NY. Its going to be more than rough, I'm sure. But its not like he'd have anything to worry about. The only people in Shaler I talk to are huge potheads or possibly alcoholics. Yeah, I know why do I hang out with them? Well, when I was friends with them in high school they weren't like that, but now they're kind of all I have when I'm home.

But anyway, I guess we'll figure something out and until then I'll just miss him like crazy :(

Thursday, May 29, 2008


ok so i am very sick and its no fun at all.

I want to feel better.

the end!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hey Hey Hey

Hello hello. I'm not really sure what I want to write about so lets just go with the flow of things and see where it takes me?

But anyway, on Tuesday i went to eat n park with Lauren and then we came back to my house and watched the movie Dan in Real Life. It didn't exactly have the kind of humor I thought it would, but it was good nonetheless. Every time Lauren and I hang out it seems like we have so much talking to do because we have to catch up on all those months during school where we didn't see eachother. When I'm home, she's basically the only close friend I have, which is kind of sad. I just didn't get close to many people in high school. I kind of switched around my friends a lot, I had trouble finding a place I belonged really. I kind of just hung out with and talked to a lot of random people. I didn't find anyone I really clicked with until i went to college.

So next week at work I only got scheduled 12-14 hours. Can someone please tell me how that happens? How do you go from 28 hours one week to 12 the next. That place will never make sense to me.

I've been thinking about getting a second job, but my goal of this summer was recovery, because the spring semester was just so awful, honestly some of the worst months I've ever had. I've never been so stressed, depressed and tired in all my life.

HOWEVER, despite how bad the semester was, ever since I've been home things have been so much better. Things actually started to get better near the end of April. I decided that I can't let the bad things that happen to me in my life get the best of me. I started eating better, I started going to the gym every day and making a conscious effort to get better. And by george its worked. I feel better than I have in the longest time. And come August I'm going to be ready to go back and get into the swing of things! :D

Not to mention there are a lot of things I have to be happy about right now in my life. I'm just so glad that things are starting to turn themselves right.

"After all these things I've learned
bad things I do and don't deserve
can easily just shape my life
or shape the way I start to die.

No, cause it's up to me
if I dwell much longer than I should
and I'll hold my tears for years thinkin' it's doing me good
so just start right now, just make a vow, you'll let your heart just sing it out, sing it out.

And show me everything you've gotI know you're scared
But let your walls just drop
You gotta take that step, and your heart, just let it pour out."
-The Rocket Summer

Sunday, May 18, 2008

May 18

So, this post will most likely be a shorty, but we'll see.

Today i went into work thinking I'd be there for a 4 hour shift and ended up being there for 9 hours. Yeah, not entirely sure how that happened, but to be honest, it wasn't really that bad.

After work on Tuesday Im going to dinner with Lauren. This makes me happy. Im not sure where we're going to go, but probably somewhere cheap because i'm poor untill i get paid on friday.

So, how about I'm really really excited to go see Julie and Andrea in Fayetteville, NC next month. I miss them so much. I haven't seen them for two years! I think we're going to drive to myrtle one day when I'm there, I love the beach!! :D

Ok so I told you this one would be short and I'm not going to let you call me a liar, so I'm done. Thats all I have to say for today :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Work, work, work

OK. so here who go entry 2.

Hm... So, I had quite an eventful friday at work. It all started when these two girls came in who apparently are frequent shoplifters, so lucky me, the CSL of the segment, Kate, decides she'll have me stalk them around the store so they don't take anything. I guess the one girl kind of caught on to me, well I know she caught on to me because she comes up to me and goes "You're allowed to follow me," I was so started my mouth kinda just dropped open and i said "I'm not following you" and then she said "Oh I know. Of course you aren't. I'm just saying that you can. Go ahead." She was pissed to say the least. Needless to say I tried to stalk at a little more of a distance after that!

OK so incident #2 is rather similar... Two girls go into a fitting room, however the vicki's store policy is one per a room. SO, our manager knocks on the door and tells the girls that one of them has to get out of the room. However, i guess they're offended by our store policy because they proceeded to throw merchandise at my manager and swear at her and threaten to beat her up for thinking they were stealing. They then stormed out, and threw a pair of panties at me on their way. After that they huffed and puffed outside saying how they were going to "beat a bitch up"

Haha. Yeah, I knowww... at the store we got this new moisturizer and it is amazing. I want to buy some when i get my paycheck, but anyway its a foam/whip and it smells amazing because its the Beauty Rush line and duh, that stuff smells amazing. But get this, it tastes good too! ahaha, i love it because the Beauty Rush stuff always smells good enough to eat, now you can eat it, well kind of, not really, but you know what I mean.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

First blog

So, at the recommendation of someone, i decided i would make a blog. I used to have one of these when i was in middle school. Actually, i still have it. I can't stand to part with it. It has over 500 entries in it. Granted, not all of them are actual entries, I would put in a lot of poems and song lyrics and things like that, but the majority of them are. Its kind of nice to be able to go back and see what i was thinking back then and remember things that happened in my life that i probably never would have remembered if i didn't read about it on there.

But anyway, I'm currently a newfound single in the dating world. Well... I guess newfound isn't appropriate to say, its been about 5 months now--which is almost 6 months--which is almost half a year, which i guess wouldn't be considered "newfound." But I guess the truth of the matter is, for me it is a newfound single-ness considering I haven't been single since...oh the 8th grade? At least, I haven't been single for more than a month since then, and lets be honest, a month isn't much time to experience the single life.

So here I am, being single and all of that and I'm not sure yet if I like it or not. Its kind of nice to not worry about anyone except myself for once, because in my last relationship I feel like i did a lot of catering to him and I didn't really think much about what I wanted.

However, while I like being able to just be concerned about myself for once, I miss being connected to someone in that kind of way. Being in love with someone is just an amazing thing. And i know this is a weird analogy, but you know how they say mother's always forget about the pain of childbirth and only remember the good moments, so they want to have more kids? Well... I think love is kind of the same way, no matter how many times you get hurt and your heart gets broken, you still want to do it again. Granted, after being hurt you may be a little more precautious, which is how I'm feeling.

I'm really hesitant to falling in love again. If it were to happen right now, I'd really need a guy to absolutely wow me, sweep me off my feet. You know? Because after getting hurt like I was, I need to know a guy is worth it because if I'm going to put myself in the position to get hurt again, I better be confident that he's worth it, which I don't think is too much to ask.

And yet again I've written way too much. I'm sorry, get used to it. I don't think I'm capable of writing anything that isn't painfully long. haha.Well, I guess we'll see how this blog thing goes. I'll try to write again soon.