Thursday, December 18, 2008

Um so I didn't say I didn't want to work at all...

So, considering it is the holiday season, the retail industry should be booming and have plenty of hours for their underpaid workers, but somehow, that assumption is wrong.

Granted I DID request off Sunday and Monday...and Tuesday morning to visit Ray, but that still leaves 4 days of availability during the week of Christmas, days before our biggest sale of the year, the Semi Annual...Um, so why am I not on the schedule Friday or Saturday? The busiest days during any week of the year let alone christmas week!? And why did they schedule me on Tuesday 11am-3pm when they approved my request off to only be available that day after 5. Hm, it's beyond me. So I only work Christmas Eve next week apparently. Whatev. I think I get time and a half. I better.

Maybe this happened for the same reason 3 different managers called me 5 times asking me when my seasonal start date was? Or maybe it's for the same reason I was rehired at $7.50/hr when I was getting paid $8 for the past two years?

I'm sure there's a logical explanation deep, deep down in the depths of somewhere. Maybe when I find the answer it will also help explain why we sell crotchless panties and refer to them as peek-a-boo panties...So inappropriate lol So much for VS trying to keep away from being too sexy...or trashy? It's all a matter of personal preference I suppose. lol Click Here

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