Friday, May 30, 2008

Hey yo.

So, as of May 28, I am no longer a member of the single world. What are my feeling on this? Well, considering my extremely pessimistic thoughts on relationships and boys all throughout the spring semester, i see this as huge, major breakthrough. One I am very happy and excited for. The only downside is the seperation issue that will be going on throughout the summer. I'll see him at the end of June when he comes home from an internship, and then most likely July 17th (i think?) when Lizzy and I and some other people go up to Canada. But any other times I see him are up in the air as of now. I'll probably see him atleast once when I go with Lizzy to Derek's lake house in NY. Its going to be more than rough, I'm sure. But its not like he'd have anything to worry about. The only people in Shaler I talk to are huge potheads or possibly alcoholics. Yeah, I know why do I hang out with them? Well, when I was friends with them in high school they weren't like that, but now they're kind of all I have when I'm home.

But anyway, I guess we'll figure something out and until then I'll just miss him like crazy :(

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