Friday, February 6, 2009

Its been awhile

First of all, if you aren't reading my college jolt blogs, you need to get on that.
The internship has been going very well, and I think I'm up to around 12 or so posts now so read and catch up. I have two seperate columns I write for the blogging site. I give dating advice/tips and also I have a more general, whatever I want to write about thing I do for it. So go see!

This summer, my ideal goal is to get an arts and entertainment internship with the City Paper in Pittsburgh. However, they only offer one internship during the summer, so the competition will be tough :( But I have a lot of clips, so maybe I'll have an advantage!

In other news, I was in buffalo yesterday with Ray while he judged a competition. I saw a lot of young girls involved in near death experiences. I'm sure Ray will blog all about it, and more people read his than read mine, so I'll just leave the details to him.

I wanted to see the city of Buffalo, but apparently, it doesn't exist. Instead I asked Ray to take me to the shore so I could see Lake Erie frozen and it was kind of creepy. I should have taken a picture of it, but I didn't think to at the time. It was just ice as far as you could see.

I wanted to walk out a little bit onto it, but Ray said no. I don't think he wanted to jump in after me if I fell through.

I've been getting kind of freaked out lately by the fact that a year from now I will be approaching graduation. Graduating college is the biggest life change of a person's life in my opinion. I guess having your first child would perhaps be
equally, if not more life changing, but we'll just ignore that one for awhile. That's a little ways down the road lol

I refuse to be one of those people who graduate and work at a job that either doesn't require a degree, or just requires a degree in general. I don't want to seem cocky when I say this and I hope it doesn't come off the wrong way, but I know I can do better than that.

It's funny how when you're a little kid you have all of these dreams about what you want to do when you "grow up" and here I am on the brink of being grown up and I still don't know what I want to do, yet somehow, when I was 7-years-old, I had it figured out. I was going to be a marine biologist. Funny how things change. The thought of anything science-related now makes me cringe. I can't handle the detail and the crazy names they have for everything.


On a related, yet separate note, this semester is going amazingly well. I know I said it before, but now that The Rocket isn't apart of my life, things are just so much better. I never realized exactly how much of my unhappiness and stress was related to the newspaper. Apparently, about 99% of it was Rocket related.

My classes are going really really well too so that adds to the joys of the semester.

I love comments. Will someone comply with this plea of pathetic desperation and leave me one? Thanks. Have a nice day :)

1 comment:

BBDC said...

i used to want to be a marine biologist too! if you get your hair cut short we would almost be the same person.