Last year, on Christmas, my family's dog, Luke died from an undiscovered cancer that destroyed his heart. Coming home to find him dead in our dining room was without a doubt, the most traumatic thing I've ever been through and never, ever do I want to see my mother go through something like that again. Or my whole family for that matter.
My mom didn't eat or do anything for nearly two weeks. The day after Christmas I stayed in bed all day because I didn't want to go downstairs to see he wasn't there.
And even months after that, there'd be those moments where you'd forget for a mili-second that he died. When I'd have nothing but pizza crust and look for him to feed him it. When I'd walk downstairs in the night to get a drink and look for him so I wouldn't step on him. Or when I'd walk in the door from being out, waiting for him to run up and greet me.
Anyone who knew my dog, knew he wasn't just a pet, he was my little brother. And he was the kindest, sweetest dog you could ever imagine. And although he died much too soon, I can say, without a doubt in my mind, he lived a good life.
So, this post is for my snuggle buddy, my lukey-bukey. I miss you!
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