I woke up and showered. Then I washed my car in shorts and flip flops. It was amazing.
Then, I went to Kohl's because my gram bought me a Kohl's giftcard for Christmas. Such a grandma thing to do. lol
I bought some things that the apartment was in need of.
Then I came back to some dinner that my dad made. Chicken and shrimp pieta? I think thats what he told me it was. It was good, just a little too spicy for me.
Then some of my dad's family came over. And surprisingly, my cousins danielle and dina also showed up. Danielle's on-again, off-again boyfriend was with her too. They stayed for maybe a little over an hour and left.
The highlight of my day, however, was going to the bar. Of all the bars in the area, my friends decided to go to this place called Fody's. The average age of anyone in that bar was maybe 45.
It was kind of funny in a way though, because this bar was right in the neighborhood I used to hang out in throughout high school. It was funny thinking how I used to be right across the street swimming, hanging out behind the A Plus, or whatever we would do.
We also met some interesting characters. Three in particular. Willy (who claims to be as good as Willy Nelson on guitar), Shaggy (who said we could kill people) and Bugsy (who literally could kill people because he was a boxer).

So, obv. those pictures, in order, are our lovely friends in all their drunken glory.
Willy wanted to "jam" with Josh. Apparently, at this bar, they let ppl come in and play music and Willy is a regular. Josh said he went to the bathroom and Willy was in the urinal next to him telling him how he wanted to jam, right here, right now.
Next, there was Shaggy. Immediately he took a liking to us because he told us we were his road dogs for life and if we ever need him, he'll be there. As he says this, his arm is creepily on my shoulder. He told me I was his little rock and roll girl.
Needless to say I was flattered and tempted to run away with him. He had "Etna" tattooed on his stomach. And I wish I was lying about that. For those who are unaware, Etna is a town in Shaler along the river. It's...um.... not the nicest part of Shaler. We'll just say that. lol
Lastly, was Bugsy. Obv. Rocco was the most fascinated with Bugsy. They both like getting in fights. It was a friendship made in heaven. Just so you know, Rocco is missing a piece of his ear from a fight he got in. No lie. I wish it was a lie, honestly. lol Bugsy gave Rocco fighting lessons right in the bar.
After all three encounters, my male friends urged me to never go to a bar alone. lol.
I have this video, but i'm not sure if it will work. If it does work, I'm sorry it's upside down lol
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