The countdown to my ultrasound continues. T-minus 3 days.
The outcome is truly a toss-up. I was sorting through my old photos, like I always do when I'm bored and came across a photo of my ovarian cysts I had when I was 16. I am warning you, this photo is gross, but I wanted to share. It's a little farther down the page in hopes it doesn't immediately startle you.

So, as you can see, there's my uterus and fallopian tubes chillin' out with some gigantic ovarian cysts.
If the ones they discovered haven't gone away, its more likely than not I have the exact same kind of cysts as I did before. But, they will not be that big, at all. More like centimeters.
I guess third time is the charm, maybe this time around my ovaries will learn to behave normally.
In other news, it's almost Valentine's Day. I don't think there's anything going on. Ray doesn't really believe in the holiday, so it'll probably be like our usual saturdays. I wrote a college jolt post about how to celebrate Valentine's Day on a college budget. It should be posted on the site sometime this week, so you all will have to read it.
Day 2 of the new hair is going well. I attempted to tuck my hair into my hood this morning because it was raining, and was startled to find there was no hair to tuck into the hood.
I've been introduced to the world of Wegman's spiral macaroni and cheese and am officially in love. Once you go spiral, you can't go back.
The warm weather has made me happy the past couple days, but eventually the fact that it's accompanied by rain will upset me and I will be back to hating North Eastern US weather.
There's a new Friday the 13th movie. Is anyone else as happy about this as I am? I know they've redone this movie about 25 times and each one has been cheesy and tacky, but I can't help myself. I'm a sucker for a scary movie, even if it's horribly made.
Induction is tonight. It's going to be boring, but afterwards will be the usual Tuesday night sleepover at Ray's, which will not be boring.
There will be ice skating in the ARC tomorrow!!! I plan on attending. I've never skated on fake ice before. I'm sure it's not that fascinating, but it'll be one more thing to cross off on the list of things I want to do before I die.
Ok, well I'm hungry and should write a college jolt blog since I have the free time right now.
Comments are appreciated.
Have a nice day.
1 comment:
i can't imagine having something so huge growing inside of me. ever. that includes children. you're so brave!
and i love the hair. isn't it great to cut down on styling time? watch out...from now on you'll just start going shorter and shorter...
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