Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
According to my Google Analytics, zero is the number of readers I've had on my blog for the past 3-4 days. If I were in elementary school, I'd be the creepy kid who talks to herself at recess and eats dirt. Not that I need a lot of people reading this, but it is nice to know people do!
So, I was home this weekend. My dad is out of town, so my mom has the house to herself, well, she has my brother and our pet dog and cat, but none of them, not even my brother, make for good company.
On Friday, I went grocery shopping with my mom and watched the movie "Prom Night." She attempted to guess everything that was going to happen. Luckily, I've seen the movie before, so she didn't ruin anything for me lol
On Saturday, I woke up and showered. I had an amazing hair day. I don't know about anyone else, but if you are having a good hair day, you just have a good day in general. Bad hair = bad day.
I then made cupcakes. Delicious cupcakes. They were vanilla with vanilla frosting and green and red sprinkles (leftover from christmas, of course).
I ate about 6 cupcakes over the course of the weekend.
My brother had his first show with his band on Saturday. He did so well! I was really proud of him. I have videos on my camera, so I will try to post one in a future blog.
Throughout the weekend, I was also greeted, via text message, by various lovely photos of my favorite puppies in New York, Penny and Peanut.<3
On Sunday, I woke up and went to the mall with my mom. I purchased a sweater because I need more warm clothes. I'm hoping the more nice looking warm clothes I have the less inclined I will be to wear hoodies everyday (Um, nope I'll probably still wear hoodies everyday. Who am I kidding?)
In American Eagle they have the most amazingly cute spring clothes. It made me want spring to get here so I can feel cute again. I always feel so trashy in the winter, hence why I am trying to not wear hoodies everyday.
When I got home, I watched my mom wait for a radio contest to come on and she sang Taylor Swift while she waited. Then, she was disappointed to discover someone already won the contest. Please view sideways video below.
It was honestly, the 5th time we heard the same Taylor Swift song that day, and it was only 2 p.m.
I then decided i'd shower and get ready to hit the road. And that brings us to now. I'm back at SRU. I just need to get through my comm law midterm this week and then it's spring break time :) It is much needed.
So, I was home this weekend. My dad is out of town, so my mom has the house to herself, well, she has my brother and our pet dog and cat, but none of them, not even my brother, make for good company.
On Friday, I went grocery shopping with my mom and watched the movie "Prom Night." She attempted to guess everything that was going to happen. Luckily, I've seen the movie before, so she didn't ruin anything for me lol
On Saturday, I woke up and showered. I had an amazing hair day. I don't know about anyone else, but if you are having a good hair day, you just have a good day in general. Bad hair = bad day.

I ate about 6 cupcakes over the course of the weekend.
My brother had his first show with his band on Saturday. He did so well! I was really proud of him. I have videos on my camera, so I will try to post one in a future blog.

On Sunday, I woke up and went to the mall with my mom. I purchased a sweater because I need more warm clothes. I'm hoping the more nice looking warm clothes I have the less inclined I will be to wear hoodies everyday (Um, nope I'll probably still wear hoodies everyday. Who am I kidding?)
In American Eagle they have the most amazingly cute spring clothes. It made me want spring to get here so I can feel cute again. I always feel so trashy in the winter, hence why I am trying to not wear hoodies everyday.
When I got home, I watched my mom wait for a radio contest to come on and she sang Taylor Swift while she waited. Then, she was disappointed to discover someone already won the contest. Please view sideways video below.
It was honestly, the 5th time we heard the same Taylor Swift song that day, and it was only 2 p.m.
I then decided i'd shower and get ready to hit the road. And that brings us to now. I'm back at SRU. I just need to get through my comm law midterm this week and then it's spring break time :) It is much needed.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Apples and Oranges
Which internship do you think is more awesome?
WHIRL magazine

or City Paper?

Can i just do both?
WHIRL magazine

or City Paper?

Can i just do both?
my phone is dying
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I'm a contributing contributor

I got another internship at College Prowler. I am now a contributing editor in addition to a blogging intern. Sweet.
My job is to update the College Prowler student guidebook for SRU. So, if you go to SRU and are reading this, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fill out this survey right here.
It will make my job a lot easier and the information I put in the book a lot more accurate!
In other news, it was snowing this morning.
I was not happy.
Today is Office Night at the 12. I am excited.
This weekend I am going home to see my brother's band in a show. Please listen to their first recorded song called "Take it Slow."
So, I forgot to blog about my test results from my ultrasound. I still have five cysts on my left ovary, however my right ovary is okay now.
I am waiting to hear from my gyno still about what he wants to do.
Currently, I'm in a Comm computer lab, and this boy is listening/watching these musical-esque videos...but, they're singing things like Nelly- "It's Getting Hot in Here."
I'm not really sure whats going on.
Oh, he just turned it up louder. I guess he wanted all six of us in here to enjoy it with him.
I am getting so hot...I'm gonna take my clothes off right in this lab. oh yeahhh.
Oh, now he's watching the video of the asian lady freaking out in the airport. Ah, so funny.
But, still equally annoying to just hear the audio of. Please use headphones, sir. Thanks much.
Okay well I have a lot better things I should be doing rather than blogging, like school work related things, so maybe I should go do them.
Have a nice day.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Around the world
Currently, my dad is on a business trip around the world. He's going to a bunch of different cities. Right now, he's traveling around India and driving in india is crazy.
weekends are at the end of the week

I had a rather eventful weekend.
Friday- I drank my 32 oz of water for my ultrasound and thought my bladder was going to explode. Lucky me, the technician who did my scan told me it wasn't necessary to drink the water in the first place so I over-hydrated myself for nothing.
My right ovary is okay but my left ovary is still not so good.

We then went to the science center and watched a movie in the omnimax. It was pretty sweet.
I went out to a party that was busted by the cops and didn't have my ID. not sweet.
I made Ray find his valentine's present that was hidden in the 12. It took him 4.3 seconds, but I'm pretty sure he liked what I got him.

Saturday- I went out to get chinese with ray and we went to see "he's just not that into you." It was an enjoyable experience. it was a cute date.
The day ended with $1 pizzas, diet pop and Saturday Night Live.

There may be grocery shopping in the near future as well.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I love icicles
Ray discovered this icicle and was kind enough to pull over and let me knock it down. Note shaky-ness of camera when Ray gets startled by the icicle falling.
I call this photo "Ray Wishing He Was Never Born, But Loving Easy Money."
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Gross photo, beware
Hello blog,
The countdown to my ultrasound continues. T-minus 3 days.
The outcome is truly a toss-up. I was sorting through my old photos, like I always do when I'm bored and came across a photo of my ovarian cysts I had when I was 16. I am warning you, this photo is gross, but I wanted to share. It's a little farther down the page in hopes it doesn't immediately startle you.

So, as you can see, there's my uterus and fallopian tubes chillin' out with some gigantic ovarian cysts.
If the ones they discovered haven't gone away, its more likely than not I have the exact same kind of cysts as I did before. But, they will not be that big, at all. More like centimeters.
I guess third time is the charm, maybe this time around my ovaries will learn to behave normally.
In other news, it's almost Valentine's Day. I don't think there's anything going on. Ray doesn't really believe in the holiday, so it'll probably be like our usual saturdays. I wrote a college jolt post about how to celebrate Valentine's Day on a college budget. It should be posted on the site sometime this week, so you all will have to read it.
Day 2 of the new hair is going well. I attempted to tuck my hair into my hood this morning because it was raining, and was startled to find there was no hair to tuck into the hood.
I've been introduced to the world of Wegman's spiral macaroni and cheese and am officially in love. Once you go spiral, you can't go back.
The warm weather has made me happy the past couple days, but eventually the fact that it's accompanied by rain will upset me and I will be back to hating North Eastern US weather.
There's a new Friday the 13th movie. Is anyone else as happy about this as I am? I know they've redone this movie about 25 times and each one has been cheesy and tacky, but I can't help myself. I'm a sucker for a scary movie, even if it's horribly made.
Induction is tonight. It's going to be boring, but afterwards will be the usual Tuesday night sleepover at Ray's, which will not be boring.
There will be ice skating in the ARC tomorrow!!! I plan on attending. I've never skated on fake ice before. I'm sure it's not that fascinating, but it'll be one more thing to cross off on the list of things I want to do before I die.
Ok, well I'm hungry and should write a college jolt blog since I have the free time right now.
Comments are appreciated.
Have a nice day.
The countdown to my ultrasound continues. T-minus 3 days.
The outcome is truly a toss-up. I was sorting through my old photos, like I always do when I'm bored and came across a photo of my ovarian cysts I had when I was 16. I am warning you, this photo is gross, but I wanted to share. It's a little farther down the page in hopes it doesn't immediately startle you.

So, as you can see, there's my uterus and fallopian tubes chillin' out with some gigantic ovarian cysts.
If the ones they discovered haven't gone away, its more likely than not I have the exact same kind of cysts as I did before. But, they will not be that big, at all. More like centimeters.
I guess third time is the charm, maybe this time around my ovaries will learn to behave normally.
In other news, it's almost Valentine's Day. I don't think there's anything going on. Ray doesn't really believe in the holiday, so it'll probably be like our usual saturdays. I wrote a college jolt post about how to celebrate Valentine's Day on a college budget. It should be posted on the site sometime this week, so you all will have to read it.
Day 2 of the new hair is going well. I attempted to tuck my hair into my hood this morning because it was raining, and was startled to find there was no hair to tuck into the hood.
I've been introduced to the world of Wegman's spiral macaroni and cheese and am officially in love. Once you go spiral, you can't go back.
The warm weather has made me happy the past couple days, but eventually the fact that it's accompanied by rain will upset me and I will be back to hating North Eastern US weather.
There's a new Friday the 13th movie. Is anyone else as happy about this as I am? I know they've redone this movie about 25 times and each one has been cheesy and tacky, but I can't help myself. I'm a sucker for a scary movie, even if it's horribly made.
Induction is tonight. It's going to be boring, but afterwards will be the usual Tuesday night sleepover at Ray's, which will not be boring.
There will be ice skating in the ARC tomorrow!!! I plan on attending. I've never skated on fake ice before. I'm sure it's not that fascinating, but it'll be one more thing to cross off on the list of things I want to do before I die.
Ok, well I'm hungry and should write a college jolt blog since I have the free time right now.
Comments are appreciated.
Have a nice day.
Monday, February 9, 2009
bye bye hairr
So, today I got a haircut. I told the lady exactly how long I wanted it, but she decided to get creative and go much shorter. At first I was extremely distraught, then I decided it was okay and I would deal with it, and then I got a shower and dried and straightened it in world record time.
Now my haircut is my new bestfriend.
Take a look. (I apologize for the cell phone photo quality, poor lighting and odd face I am making)

My hair has not been this short since I was in the 7th grade. It will be probably a two weeks or so until I stop getting startled by my hair abruptly stopping when I brush it or try to put it in a ponytail.
Bailey was right, February is a wonderful month for haircuts. Especially when the cold weather makes you lazy and not want to deal with long locks.
Now my haircut is my new bestfriend.
Take a look. (I apologize for the cell phone photo quality, poor lighting and odd face I am making)

My hair has not been this short since I was in the 7th grade. It will be probably a two weeks or so until I stop getting startled by my hair abruptly stopping when I brush it or try to put it in a ponytail.
Bailey was right, February is a wonderful month for haircuts. Especially when the cold weather makes you lazy and not want to deal with long locks.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Its been awhile

The internship has been going very well, and I think I'm up to around 12 or so posts now so read and catch up. I have two seperate columns I write for the blogging site. I give dating advice/tips and also I have a more general, whatever I want to write about thing I do for it. So go see!
This summer, my ideal goal is to get an arts and entertainment internship with the City Paper in Pittsburgh. However, they only offer one internship during the summer, so the competition will be tough :( But I have a lot of clips, so maybe I'll have an advantage!
In other news, I was in buffalo yesterday with Ray while he judged a competition. I saw a lot of young girls involved in near death experiences. I'm sure Ray will blog all about it, and more people read his than read mine, so I'll just leave the details to him.

I wanted to walk out a little bit onto it, but Ray said no. I don't think he wanted to jump in after me if I fell through.
I've been getting kind of freaked out lately by the fact that a year from now I will be approaching graduation. Graduating college is the biggest life change of a person's life in my opinion. I guess having your first child would perhaps be
equally, if not more life changing, but we'll just ignore that one for awhile. That's a little ways down the road lol

On a related, yet separate note, this semester is going amazingly well. I know I said it before, but now that The Rocket isn't apart of my life, things are just so much better. I never realized exactly how much of my unhappiness and stress was related to the newspaper. Apparently, about 99% of it was Rocket related.
My classes are going really really well too so that adds to the joys of the semester.
I love comments. Will someone comply with this plea of pathetic desperation and leave me one? Thanks. Have a nice day :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
life influences
Everyone has those certain people they've encountered in their lives who help turn them into who they are. I'm not excluded from this. So I've decided I want to share with you some of the people who I feel who have made me who I am today.
Mr. Orr- I started writing when I was in 4th grade. I would write stories and draw illustrations for them. I'd make them like story books with a paragraph or two on a page with a picture. One day I decided to show my teacher my work and he told me I was a great writer. He laminated the pages of my story and bound them together for me and told me whatever stories I wrote after that, he'd do the same thing for.
I really believe that because of him, I began to love to write. He gave me that little push into a direction that I needed.
Mr. Schott- By the time I was in middle school, I knew I wanted to be a journalist. I took every media and writing class I could sign up for. By the time I made it to high school, I decided to take journalism I. At the time, I was on the fence about taking the next class, which was to write for the paper. When Mr. Schott saw I hadn't signed up for the next level of journalism classes, he told me I needed to and he went and fixed my schedule himself.
Joining the paper was a great experience. I won two journalism awards my first year on the paper, and was editor my second year and won another award. As editor of the paper, I really felt like I had found my place in my school. With over 400 students in my class, it was hard to stand out.
Even after talking me into joining the paper, Mr. Schott continued to influence me as a writer. He would constantly be encouraging and accept nothing less than my best effort.
Pap- My pap was also a big influence on my life. When I was younger, I was quiet and easy to forget about compared to my cousins who were always lively and talkative. A lot of my family members would show favoritism toward them. However, my pap always made sure to make me feel like I was just as good, if not better, than them. He'd always tell me how I was the smart one out of all my cousins and how I would be good at whatever I wanted to pursue in life.
After he died, I slowly started feel like I was getting further and further disconnected from that side of my family. He was the glue that held it all together. I also made a promise to myself to do as well as I could at school so I'd never feel like I let him down. I graduated high school with a 3.82 and in college, I've had three semesters of 4.0s and have been on the dean's list every semester. And although I do it for myself, a big part of me does it for him, too.
My Dad- My dad grew up in Shalercrest, and if you aren't familar with the area, it isn't the nicest housing. There's a photo to the right. He went to technical school for drafting during high school and got a job and moved into an apartment in Shalercrest with my mother a year or so later.
After realizing he didn't want to live in Shalercrest for the rest of his life and he wanted a stable job he could depend on, he decided to go to college. He took out loans on his own and went to school full time while my mom worked. While he was in school, when my parents were 24, I was born. My mom had to quit her job to take care of me, and my dad continued to go to school full-time. We lived off of food stamps and welfare. He never got more than one B a semester and eventually got his degree in Electrical Engineering.
Knowing what my dad went through throughout his college career really makes me appreciate my college experience and how lucky I am to not have to worry about the same things he did.
That's another reason I try hard in school. If my dad could get good grades in an electrical engineering major, with a wife and baby at home to worry about, I should be able to get good grades with my joke of a communication degree without really having anything major in my life to worry about.
Mr. Orr- I started writing when I was in 4th grade. I would write stories and draw illustrations for them. I'd make them like story books with a paragraph or two on a page with a picture. One day I decided to show my teacher my work and he told me I was a great writer. He laminated the pages of my story and bound them together for me and told me whatever stories I wrote after that, he'd do the same thing for.
I really believe that because of him, I began to love to write. He gave me that little push into a direction that I needed.
Mr. Schott- By the time I was in middle school, I knew I wanted to be a journalist. I took every media and writing class I could sign up for. By the time I made it to high school, I decided to take journalism I. At the time, I was on the fence about taking the next class, which was to write for the paper. When Mr. Schott saw I hadn't signed up for the next level of journalism classes, he told me I needed to and he went and fixed my schedule himself.
Joining the paper was a great experience. I won two journalism awards my first year on the paper, and was editor my second year and won another award. As editor of the paper, I really felt like I had found my place in my school. With over 400 students in my class, it was hard to stand out.
Even after talking me into joining the paper, Mr. Schott continued to influence me as a writer. He would constantly be encouraging and accept nothing less than my best effort.
Pap- My pap was also a big influence on my life. When I was younger, I was quiet and easy to forget about compared to my cousins who were always lively and talkative. A lot of my family members would show favoritism toward them. However, my pap always made sure to make me feel like I was just as good, if not better, than them. He'd always tell me how I was the smart one out of all my cousins and how I would be good at whatever I wanted to pursue in life.
After he died, I slowly started feel like I was getting further and further disconnected from that side of my family. He was the glue that held it all together. I also made a promise to myself to do as well as I could at school so I'd never feel like I let him down. I graduated high school with a 3.82 and in college, I've had three semesters of 4.0s and have been on the dean's list every semester. And although I do it for myself, a big part of me does it for him, too.

After realizing he didn't want to live in Shalercrest for the rest of his life and he wanted a stable job he could depend on, he decided to go to college. He took out loans on his own and went to school full time while my mom worked. While he was in school, when my parents were 24, I was born. My mom had to quit her job to take care of me, and my dad continued to go to school full-time. We lived off of food stamps and welfare. He never got more than one B a semester and eventually got his degree in Electrical Engineering.
Knowing what my dad went through throughout his college career really makes me appreciate my college experience and how lucky I am to not have to worry about the same things he did.
That's another reason I try hard in school. If my dad could get good grades in an electrical engineering major, with a wife and baby at home to worry about, I should be able to get good grades with my joke of a communication degree without really having anything major in my life to worry about.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I don't know what to call this one
Sooo, lately I've been thinking about graduate school. It's hard not to think about it when it's all we talk about in junior seminar and my adviser finds a way to include the topic into every conversation we have.
If I went to graduate school, I'd probably want to go for something like design. But, I also really enjoy learning about different types of communication. In comm concepts, freshman year, there was a chapter or two about dyads, tryads and all the other forms of communication, I was just so fascinated and interested. If I could learn about that stuff on a graduate level, that'd be awesome. But what do you do with that kind of knowledge? I can't really think of any practical use for it.
So maybe that's not a good option.
The truth is, when I graduate, the last thing I'm going to want to do is go to more school. When I'm done at SRU, I kind of just want to move on with my life.
In other news, my ultrasound is in about two weeks. Feb 13. It's all I think about. I just want to get it done! I want Ray to go with me because that's a long drive and I have to drink water on the way, too. And also, if surgery ends up being a positive, I'll need someone to drive while I'm crying lol
I'm not really sure why my ovaries hate me so much. I've always felt like I've taken as good of care of them as I could. I mean they are ovaries after all, so there's not really much you can do to hurt them.
Oh, another thing I wanted to write about was how I went to see a magician with Ray and Andy at the union Thursday and it was amazing! I loved every second of it. There doesn't seem to be any realistic, logical explanation for anything he did. It was ridiculous.
And speaking of magic, Ray taught me a card trick the other day. Yayyy. I was going to try it on Casey, but I was too nervous. But I will try it on someone, sometime soon because it was sweet and people will think I have amazing magician skills.
Hm... I think that's all I have to say. Good byeee
If I went to graduate school, I'd probably want to go for something like design. But, I also really enjoy learning about different types of communication. In comm concepts, freshman year, there was a chapter or two about dyads, tryads and all the other forms of communication, I was just so fascinated and interested. If I could learn about that stuff on a graduate level, that'd be awesome. But what do you do with that kind of knowledge? I can't really think of any practical use for it.
So maybe that's not a good option.
The truth is, when I graduate, the last thing I'm going to want to do is go to more school. When I'm done at SRU, I kind of just want to move on with my life.
In other news, my ultrasound is in about two weeks. Feb 13. It's all I think about. I just want to get it done! I want Ray to go with me because that's a long drive and I have to drink water on the way, too. And also, if surgery ends up being a positive, I'll need someone to drive while I'm crying lol
I'm not really sure why my ovaries hate me so much. I've always felt like I've taken as good of care of them as I could. I mean they are ovaries after all, so there's not really much you can do to hurt them.
Oh, another thing I wanted to write about was how I went to see a magician with Ray and Andy at the union Thursday and it was amazing! I loved every second of it. There doesn't seem to be any realistic, logical explanation for anything he did. It was ridiculous.
And speaking of magic, Ray taught me a card trick the other day. Yayyy. I was going to try it on Casey, but I was too nervous. But I will try it on someone, sometime soon because it was sweet and people will think I have amazing magician skills.
Hm... I think that's all I have to say. Good byeee
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